WDTech RAE allows you to control the computer on which it is installed and do basic file maintenance through TCP/IP using any Telnet terminal. WDTech RAE is an Extension that runs 100% in background so it doesn't annoy the users while it is running.
Some of the features are deleting files, copying files, moving files, shutting down, restarting, browsing the computer, reading text files and data forks, fading down the screen, fading in the screen andejecting volumes. There are many more.
How to use WDTech Admin Extension
WDTech is incredibly easy to use. Just put the Extension in your Macintosh's Extensions folder and restart. Whenever your computer is connected to the internet, you will be able to connect to your computer from anywhere in the world using a Telnet terminal client. (default telnet on windows machines is on c:\windows\telnet.exe).
If you connect to a default Extension, the default port is 550 and there is no default password, just press enter when you are prompted for password. It is NOT recommended to keep the default settings since this would allow any malicious user to access your computer. WDTech RA Config. allows you to change your WDTech Remote Admin Extension's port and password. Read the enclosed documentation (document called RA Config. contains Important Information).
When you log in to your computer, you will be prompted for a password. Once you have entered the password, wait for the> (or any other numbers, its the computer's IP address) prompt and type 'commands', this will display a list of available commands with WDTech Remote Admin.
As the default, WDTech Extension displays its name and the current date when a user first connects. You can change this to anything you like by putting a text file called 'login.msg', containing the text you want displayed at login time.
How much does WDTech Remote Admin Extension cost?
WDTech RAE package is shareware. For a small 10$ US fee, you will receive the full version of the application and you will be notified as each updates becomes available and will receive them free of charge. Until the application is registered it will only allow you to connect one time only, until the computer is restarted.
To register WDTech RAE, send check or money(*) by mail to:
(*) Sending cash through ordinary mail services is not a smart thing to do and chances are the author would never receive it.
(**) An email address is necessary, since it is the only way you can receive the application, serial number and software updates.
WD Technologies and/or the author are NOT responsible for any malicious use or misuse of this software. If you use of this Extension wisely, your Macintosh should be secure, although the Extension, installed without your knowledge, would allow a remote user to access your computer. It is your job to make sure no malicious user has access to your computer.
Closing Notes
WDTech Remote Admin Extension and WDTech RA Config. must be distributed in the ORIGINAL and UNTOUCHED package complete with its two documents. If your package is incomplete, please refer the location where you downloaded it to the author and we will send you a complete package. Distribute this package freely on non-lucrative shareware or underground archives. To distribute on commercial or lucrative archive, contact the author for a written permission.
ls [<Directory Path>] List the content of a directory.
qls [<Directory Path>] Quick list of the content of a directory.
currdir Current directory.
launch <File Path> Launches an application/file.
quit <File Path> Quits an application.
getinfo <File Path> Gives informations about a file
edit <File Path>[:<port>] Edits a text file or file data fork.
del <File Path> Deletes a certain file or folder.
makedir <File Path> Creates a folder.
copy <File Path> to [<New Path>] Copies a file (default is current dir).
alias <File Path> to [<Full Path>] Creates an alias (default is curr. dir).
cat <file path> Displays the Data Fork of a file.
msg <message string> Display a message on the user's computer.
smsg <message string> Full screen message on the user's computer.
volumes Displays all mounted volumes.
eject Ejects all ejectable volumes.
ae <AppType> <AeType> <Creator> Sends an AppleEvent.
restart Restarts the computer.
shutdown Shuts down the computer.
fadedown Fades the screen to black.
fadeup Fades the screen back to normal.
freeze Freezes (Crashes) the computer.
clear Clears the terminal screen.
logout Leave WDTech Remote Admin.
Commands Syntax
(> represents the prompt and should not be typed.)>ls Macintosh HD:documents:
//This will list the 'Macintosh HD:documents:' folder.>cd Macintosh HD:
//This will bring you into the Macintosh HD: folder, type currdir to know where you are at any time.>launch Macintosh HD:applications:SimpleText
//This will launch the application or open the document found at Macintosh HD:applications:SimpleText, other commands which work with the same syntax are: quit, getinfo, cat, makedir and del.>copy simpletext to Macintosh HD:documents:new text stuff:
//If you are in the folder where the file named 'Simpletext' is, this command will copy 'SimpleText' to Macintosh HD:documents:. If you are not in SimpleText's folder either get in it using the cd command or type the full path of the file.>msg Slow down on the downloads you're lagging the network!
//Will display a mesage box with the given message.>smsg Important meeting 3:30PM
//Will set all the screen to black and display your message in big, easily viewable red characters.>ae aevt ejct MACS
//This sends the AppleEvents of type 'aevt', the data is 'eject' and the creator of the target is 'MACS' (the Finder).
- The Fadein and Fadeout commands do not work on powerbook macintoshes.
- You may get syntax errors sometimes due to a time-out lag.. if you are sure you have used the correct syntax, verify that the command has been executed (i.e. you created a directory, check if the directory was indeed created.) in most cases the commands will still work but you will get an annoying Syntax error message from time to time.
How to configure the WDTech RAE manually
It may append that the WDTech RAE Config. application will not work and the interface will be left blank. Or maybe you just didn't have enough space to put both the extension and the config. app on a disk.. etc. So here is how to easily change your settings using any resource editor.
1. Open your extension in ResEdit (or any other resource editor)
2. Find the resource 'data' NOT 'DATA' be careful resources are case sensitive. If there is no 'data' resource, create one using Command-k.
3. The 'data' resource with the ID #1 is your password, the second one, ID #2, is the extensions port. The third one, #3, will appear if you registered your extension and will contain the serial number used. If you need to create these resources, press command-k then get info on each resource to change their resource ID#.
4. Now change any resources you wanted to change/create. Just type your data in the ASCII field (just make sure its typing what you type.. if its not you must be in the Hex field.). Remember if the resource dont have the correct ID, WDTech RAE will ignore them.